Interesting Experiments



( Physcis experiment)

Aim: To make the students to understand about the Newton’s Third law of Motion with candle seesaw experiment.  

Materials needed: two candles, one long needle, two glasses


 1.In this experiment, a candle was taken. On both the sides of the candle the thread was removed. 
2.The needle was made hot at top and was passed exactly in the centre of the candle. 
3.The candle was placed between two glasses by keeping both the sides of needles on each of those candles. 
4.The candle was allowed to come in constant position and then it was lit from both the sides. 
5.After few seconds the candle started moving up and down. Slowly the motion of candle started increasing. 

The candle from a balanced position starts to move slowly up and down from the sides. The speed of the movement of candle goes on increasing.

This experiment shows the Newton’s Third law of Motion which states that “For every action there is equal and opposite reaction”. As the wax from one side of the candle falls down, that side moves up and when the other side wax falls down, it comes down. Thus there was up and down movement of the candle from both the sides. Also the potential energy of the candle was changed to kinetic energy, thus the candle started moving fast.

The experiment showed the application of Newton’s Third law which states that for every action there is equal and opposite reaction. 


 ( Chemistry experiment)

Aim: To make the students learn that carbon dioxide gas is a fire extinguisher and oxygen gas is a fire ignitor.

Materials needed: Hydrogen peroxide, potassium iodide, baking soda, vinegar, two conical flasks or two test tubes, broom stick and matchstick


In this experiment, I had taken two test tubes. In first test tube, I added baking soda and vinegar and in second test tube, I added hydrogen peroxide and potassium iodide. I had taken a broomstick and one of the side I lighted with matchstick and immediately placed in the first test tube. Once it was placed inside the first test tube the fire on broomstick went off. The same broomstick I immediately placed inside the second test tube and the stick got fire back. This stick along with fire I placed back in first test tube and again the fire on stick went off. This I repeated three four times. 




In the first test tube the fire on the broomstick goes off whereas in the second test tube the fire on the broomstick got ignited back. When the broomstick was put back into the first test tube the fire on the stick went off again and then when placed into placed into second test tube fire the stick got fire again.


NaHCO3 +CH3COOH---> CH3COONa + H2O +
                (Acetic acid) (Sodium acetate)   CO2 (SodiumBicarbonate)

                      KI (Potassium iodide)
         H2O2      ----------------->         H2O   +    O2  
(Hydrogen peroxide)   


In the first test tube carbon dioxide gas was released by reaction between baking soda and vinegar. Carbon dioxide gas acts as a fire extinguisher. In the second test tube oxygen gas was released when hydrogen peroxide is being oxidised in presence of an oxidising agent, i.e. Potassium iodide. Potassium iodide acts as catalyst in the second reaction. The oxygen gas released in second test tube ignites the stick.  

Carbon dioxide gas is the fire extinguisher and Oxygen gas is fire ignitor


(Biology experiment)

Aim: To study the detoxifying effect of aloevera on the iodine solution.

Materials needed: Aloe Vera gel, iodine, water, one beaker

In this experiment, I took a big beaker filled with water and to it I added five to six drops of iodine solution. After adding iodine to the water it becomes yellowish in colour. Then, I added two spoon pf aloe vera gel to the iodine-water solution. After few seconds the water became colourless and clear as it was before adding the iodine to it.   

After adding aloe vera gel to the iodine-water solution within few seconds the water became colourless and clear as it was before adding the iodine to it.  

Aloe vera detox has been widely accepted by medical practitioners as the most natural way of cleansing our bodies. This type of detox helps the organ such as the colon and liver, to ease their workload of battling serious and harmful chemicals that enter our body.

Aloe vera gel is having is the best detoxifying property. It helps our body to remove the unwanted toxin from our body.


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